Higher studies in Europe


EU offers a number of opportunities for Nepali students, scholars, university teachers and staff, universities and educational institutions through the exchange and scholarship programs under Erasmus Mundus program through globally competitive process. This is a cooperation and mobility programme in the field of higher education that aims to enhance the quality of European higher education and to promote dialogue and understanding between people and cultures through cooperation with Third-Countries. Since January 2014 Erasmus Mundus program has been incorporated into new Erasmus+ programme which combines all the EU’s current schemes for education, training, youth and sport, including the Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Comenius, Grundtvig), Youth in Action and five international co-operation programmes (Erasmus Mundus, Tempus, Alfa, Edulink and the programme for co-operation with industrialised countries).

The Erasmus Mundus programme provides support to:

  • higher education institutions that wish to implement joint programmes at postgraduate level (Action 1) or to set-up inter-institutional cooperation partnerships between universities from Europe and targeted Third-Countries (Action 2);
  • individual students, researchers and university staff who wish to spend a study / research / teaching period in the context of one of the above mentioned joint programmes or cooperation partnerships (Action 1 and Action 2);
  • any organisation active in the field of higher education that wishes to develop projects aimed at enhancing the attractiveness, profile, visibility and image of European higher education worldwide (Action 3).

Information on Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degrees (EMJMDs) that will be offering EU-funded scholarships for courses taking place in the academic year 2015-2016 can be accessed at the EU website: https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/erasmus-plus/library/emjmd-catalogue_en

(Source: European Commission, EACEA)